
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Homemade Holiday Gifts: Chocolate Chip Biscotti

It's that time of year again!  Holiday baking season!  I absolutely love the holidays... and since I was a kid, have enjoyed baking during the holiday season.  My friends and family always receive little packages of home baked goods to enjoy.  Today, I want to share my first Holiday video of 2014!
Check out these delicious Chocolate Chip Biscotti... perfect for holiday parties, office gift exchanges, maybe a cookie swap?  Or, even just to have on hand when family or friends stop by to visit (they keep for up to 2 weeks in an airtight container!).
I hope you you're feeling as inspired for holiday baking as I am!  Stay-tuned for all of the goodies I will be sharing this month!

Happy Caking :)

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